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Local accommodation offers

10% discount to visitors who call and mention they are attending “the Raven’s Ball at Gosford House”.

Mention “the Raven’s Ball at Gosford” when enquiring for a 10% discount.

Email and mention the name “Raven’s Ball at Gosford” for a £60/night B&B room rate. 

Book using promo code GOSFORD23 for a discounted rate.

Other local accommodation

Gullane, East Lothian

Near Gifford, East Lothian

Near North Berwick, East Lothian

Aberlady, East Lothian

Near Gullane, East Lothian

Near Aberlady East Lothian

Muirfield, East Lothian

Near East Linton, East Lothian

Near Haddington, East Lothian


For those wishing to stay in Edinburgh, a huge range of accommodation is available. A coach will be available to take guests from Edinburgh to the venue, returning at the end of the night – please see the Transport page for details.

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